The Golden Globe Awards portal highlighted the work of Guatemalan Juan Pablo Ulyslager

The Golden Globe Awards portal highlighted the work of Guatemalan Juan Pablo Ulyslager

he is The official Golden Globe website An article where Highlighted the work of Guatemalan actor Juan Pablo Uleslager, Who has won important awards throughout his career. What a chile! We tell you what they said about the actor.

Juan Pablo Ulyslager was The main actor of Film jerks. In 2019 it was Awarded Best Actor at Outfest 2019 in Los Angeles, United States.

The Golden Globe Awards portal has highlighted the work of Guatemalan Juan Pablo Ulyslager

The article begins by highlighting the role that Guatemalan cinema In recent years he has played all over the world. The moderator says: In recent years, Guatemalan cinema has got people talking, and it has grabbed important prizes in Cannes, Berlin and Venice, which is really cool.

Image Description: Screenshot from interview conducted by Golden Globes. (Credits: Golden Globe Awards)

In the interview, the Guatemalan recounts how he started his acting career, and his award-winning co-productions Not Eurona And in other films and in the dreams and goals that he still wants to achieve in his acting career.

The actor recounted: When there are good productions, I like to do them in my country because I think we have a lot to say. Evidence of this is the success of some films that were produced jointly with other countries, mainly Guatemalan stories, Like Jayro’s three well-received films stories developed in this country.

Details of his career and life in Guatemala

In the article, the portal toured The artistic career of an actor And cross it Films Such as: the opposite house, VIP the other house, winery, curfew, earthquakes, La llorona, among others.

Image Description: A black and white portrait of Juan Pablo Ulyslager. (Credits: Facebook Juan Pablo Olyslager)

In 2019, Guatemala won an award for his role in the movie Shivering We are very proud that the talent of two young men is recognized all over the world. If you wish to read the entire interview, you can Visit the Golden Globe Gate.

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