The Maduro regime seeks to consolidate its alliance with Iran

The Maduro regime seeks to consolidate its alliance with Iran
File photo of Nicolas Maduro and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in July 2019 (Image: Reuters)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chavista, Felix Plasencia, stressed, on Wednesday, that the consolidation of the “strategic alliance” of cooperation that it maintains with the Iranian regime in the airspace is important for the country.Trade, Technology and Food.

Caracas and Tehran have a huge future in building jobsThe Minister of Foreign Affairs, according to a press release, said that Placencia had a telephone conversation with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir Abdollahian.

Venezuela reiterated its commitment to formulatesuccessful pathof bilateral trade.

In addition to, The Iranian foreign minister suggested sending a delegation to Venezuela with the aim of managing “a roadmap between the two parties for bilateral cooperation in the next four years, the possible agreements of which can be signed later in Iran.”.

Plasencia added that a common agenda can be coordinated on the basis of the multilateral meetings that will be held at the United Nations General Assembly in New York and the meeting of foreign ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement (MNOAL) in Belgrade.

Iran is one of the main allies of the Nicolas Maduro regime and its relations have strengthened further during the year 2020, when there was a severe shortage of gasoline in Venezuela and the CEO of the Caribbean country went to the Persian nation to buy fuel.

On June 23, Maduro had a telephone conversation with Iran’s elected president, a highly conservative cleric and chief justice, Ibrahim RaisiIn which he confirmed that they agreed to strengthen relations between the two countries.

Venezuela's Foreign Minister, Felix Plasencia (Photo: EFE)
Venezuela’s Foreign Minister, Felix Plasencia (Photo: EFE)

I had a telephone conversation with Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, President-elect of the Islamic Republic of Iran. We agree to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and cooperation to advance the common struggle against imperialist aggressions against our peoples.Maduro wrote on his Twitter account.

In June, a cargo plane was associated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards And it belongs to a company sanctioned by United State landed on Air Force Base Libertador, halfway between the cities of Palo Negro and Maracay, in Venezuela.

It was a plane recording EP-FAB It is part of the company’s portfolio Qeshm Fars Airlines, a company that was The United States punished those accused of participating in the shipment of weapons to Syria.

Sanctions were imposed on the company by the United States in January 2019. At the time, the US Treasury argued that “The company’s delivery of deadly materials” to Syria “allows Iranian military support” to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, for which the company was blacklisted.

last year, More than a dozen Iranian Mahan Air flights have brought in materials to help repair refineries in Venezuela. Iran has also sent two fleets of fuel tankers to Venezuela, to alleviate severe fuel shortages in the South American country.

(With information from EFE)

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