The United States did not do its part well for the summit

The United States did not do its part well for the summit

What it’s like to “county” the president Lopez Obrador To the Summit of the Americas – to demand the invitation of the countries of the American continent – and the formation of a “rebellion” against the United States by other Latin American and Caribbean countries, its origins go back to the mistakes of the United States government itself.

There was a lack of commerce, a lack of seriousness, a lack of responsibility in the State Department and the president’s team. Joe Biden‘,” says the professor and researcher at CIDE, Carlos Heredia.

Three things stand out, in this sense, from the US Studies Program Coordinator.

First, they made the same mistake that Mr.Donald) trump: lack of institutionalization. That is, the preparation was a bit loose, and they didn’t take it seriously, nor with proper anticipation.

The second thing they did wrong: they automatically take China as an enemy in Latin America, forbid Latin American countries to approach China, but they do not give the carrot, while the Asian country, although it charges exorbitant fees for all the support it provides, does not give the carrot

Third: the president Biden They also want to live from “escape of inertia” and say, “As I am the most powerful economy and country in the world, only my show of strength will make them bend to my desires.”

This is the third mistake, the belief that nations will automatically bend to the desires of the strongest.

“I think it’s a miscalculation. We are past the time when the United States can effectively give instructions. Biden She underestimated the relations of Latin American countries with China—there are twelve countries that have China as their main trading partner and not the United States—and was confident that its power alone would suffice as a summons and a positive response for the countries of the hemisphere.”

Another of the explanations that the doctor Heredia Finds in the “responsible” position of some leaders like Neb Bokelfrom El Salvador, is the “Internal Electoral Income” he gives for beating up the Yankees.

Indicates that they are speaking at the fair. This also includes Lopez Obrador:

“Criticism of imperialism, the United States, the strongest, always has an emotional dimension. And this, although it may be somewhat irrational or even counterproductive on an economic and diplomatic level, has a symbolic, emotional and powerful dimension that pays off. President Lopez Obrador He knows it and uses it. s Bukili also”.

But he makes it clear that there is no Latin American unit. There is no homogeneity of goals, no agreement in the democratic system, no geopolitical agreement, no head of state or government with the power to convene an entire hemisphere meeting. Thus, the founding member of Mexico’s Council on International Affairs identifies the Summit of the Americas as “hostage to political conflict in the hemisphere.”

From the Republican senator blonde frame And his statements about the position of d AMLO. Heredia Comments: “If we talk about the boycott, then Marco Rubio is the one who interrupted the policy of American rapprochement with other intellectual currents. He adopted the Latin American policy towards Cuba, his country of reference; towards Venezuela, towards the Alba countries … he stayed with the trip, and he usually says “ The person who decides US policy is me. It’s not the State Department, it’s not the White House, it’s me. I got used to it Donald Trump And he speaks with the flight, with the stalemate of this situation.”


Precious stones: a present from AMLO In Sinaloa, rejecting the control of criminal groups over some areas: “I am not Felipe Calderon“.

by Martha Anaya
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