The United States imposed sanctions on eight other officials of the Cuban dictatorship for their suppression of the July 11 protests

The United States imposed sanctions on eight other officials of the Cuban dictatorship for their suppression of the July 11 protests
Archive photo of hundreds of Cubans participating in a demonstration in Havana (Cuba) (EFE / Ernesto Mastrascusa)

On Thursday, the US State Department announced the imposition of Visa restrictions to others eight officials from Cuba, whose identities have not been revealed, For the arrest and prosecution of people who participated in the 11 July protests.

Today, the US Department of State took steps to impose visa restrictions on eight Cuban officials implicated in attempts to silence the voices of the Cuban people through repression, unjust detentions, and harsh prison sentences.The Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, explained in a detailed statement.

Blinken claimed to be close to 600 protesters They are still imprisoned, some of them”In deteriorating health conditions and without access to food, medicine or calls to loved ones“.

july 11 protests, Unprecedented on the island in more than six decades, it was imploded due to lack of food and medicine, and power outages And the effects of the economic crisis, which was exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the tightening of the blockade imposed by the United States.

Anthony Blinken (EFE)
Anthony Blinken (EFE)

To these demonstrations, which included peaceful marches, clashes with the police, and specific looting, This was followed by a wave of arrests of hundreds of people who were critical of the government.

On November 30, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Already announced travel restrictions for nine Cuban officials, whose identities have not been revealed, to Silencing the Voices of the Cuban PeopleBefore the protests called November 15.

There were hardly any protests that day, except for some symbolic acts, Largely due to the prevalence of state security agents in large cities and the respression against major opposing figures.

At the same time, the playwright Junior Garcia Aguilera, who became the main promoter of the march, several hours after his disappearance where he was arrested, I landed by surprise in Madrid.

(With information from EFE)

Read on:

The Cuban Conflict Observatory reported that the island recorded 3,300 protests in 2021
Cuban dictatorship tightens censorship: journalists’ credentials revoked from EFE in Havana

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