The United States must decide whether to continue its support for Claver Caron at the Islamic Development Bank

The United States must decide whether to continue its support for Claver Caron at the Islamic Development Bank

In the middle of March American Development Bank (BID), the largest aid provider Economical To the region, it will have a major meeting.

The agency needs a bigger budget to expand payments in Latin AmericaHardly affected by the epidemic.

In 2020, it pumped out $ 21.6 billion in loans, according to the entity’s website. The amount is huge compared to other multilateral parties like World Bank That redirected $ 8 billion over the past year.

President of the Multilateral Organization, Mauricio Claver-Caron, Indicates that in 2021 a similar or higher number will be required.
The multilateral board of governors is in dire need of a capital increase.

But analysts like Daniel Tour From the specialist magazine Foreign Policy points out Claver Caron He may face blockade by the US Democrats and even calls for his removal from office.

This capital increase risks being held hostage by the Biden administration’s desire to sack the former Trump administration official who heads the Islamic Development Bank, Mauricio Claver CaronFrom his position before making any decision on the capital increase. “

Governing Council TenderWhere member states are represented, United State He has a major vote. It is expected that by the time of the meeting on the capital and budget increase, the Senate will have confirmed this Janet Yellen As Treasury Secretary. With many key management positions remaining vacant, the decision will be based on the White HouseWellin and a few employees. Later, the Democratic-controlled US Congress will have to pass as well.

But according to Rundy, there is a problem: the controversial October 2020 elections in Claver CaronFirst Director of the Western Hemisphere in the National Security Council of the United States under the then president Donald Trump, As president of Tender.

And this, according to the expert, not only bothered the political left with its firm opinions on Cuba and Venezuela, but its election violated an unwritten rule that Tender It should always be chaired by a Latino American.

The official was named from among his ranks former economic ministers of the countries that voted for him as he was Richard Martinez From Ecuador, Who is now the ruler of nations.

Claver Caron He denied that he had made these appointments to push the vote and indicated that he had sought to give greater representation to smaller countries in the region.

According to Rodin, the government of Jose Biden You now have two options: You can vote to address the area’s problems now, or spend another year trying to remove and replace Claver-Carone.

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