The United States Promotes Press Freedom at the Ninth Summit of the Americas

The United States Promotes Press Freedom at the Ninth Summit of the Americas

Disinformation, threats and sustainability were the three obstacles that the US Secretary of State said, Anthony Blinken, Included in the work of a free press on the continent is the framework of the Ninth Summit of the Americas to be held in Los Angeles, California.

Given the problem, the Secretary of State welcomed the creation of the Coalition for Media Freedom.

The issue of freedom of expression remains on the table with greater enthusiasm as the harassment and killing of journalists and activists in Latin America intensifies. For this, Blinkin He pointed out that “at least 16 journalists were killed in hemisphere in 2022, according to the Monitor of Killed Journalists of UNESCO (…) No region in the world is more dangerous for journalists than America.”

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The secretary announced that USAID will provide up to $9 million for the “Defamation Against Defamation Fund for Journalists,” which will provide civil liability coverage for journalists and news organizations that are an unfair news subject. Lawsuit.

The latest report by Reporters Without Borders, which ranks 180 countries by color and score in terms of press freedom, reveals that, with the exception of the exceptional case of Costa Rica—marked in green, as one of the safest countries to practice employment—the rest of the region is marked in red, orange and yellow, and some Less than some others in the security issues of reporters and reporters.

As Blinken expressed, a state with freedom of the press is essential to the full development of a democracy.

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“(Since 2015), we have helped build a network of more than 8,000 journalists, educators, communicators, new media professionals, government officials and others from around the world, working to combat misinformation and state-sponsored propaganda,” he said of another launch: creating the first Network Center Digital Communications in the Americas.

This will combat waves of misinformation and false narratives, such as what happened during the first lockdowns of the Covid-19 pandemic.


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