The United States sends high-ranking officials to the border

The United States sends high-ranking officials to the border

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, will send high-ranking officials from his government to the border with Mexico, To address the arrival of minor immigrants who are traveling alone to the United States, White House spokeswoman Jane Psaki announced.

“President Biden has asked senior members of his team to travel to the border area, in order to provide him with a comprehensive report on the government’s response to the influx of unaccompanied minors,” Psaki said.

The official, who did not elaborate on the date of the visit or who will participate, indicated that the officials also They will conduct an “assessment of additional steps that could be taken to ensure the safety and care of these children.”

Without specifying official figures or data on the occupation of facilities designed to serve immigrants, the spokesperson acknowledged that it was “a challenge for these unaccompanied children to cross the border” and indicated that the Biden government was preparing for this migration influx.

Various media have raised concerns about the increasing trend of illegal immigrants entering the United States in recent weeks, especially minors alone, which coincided with the arrival of Biden to the White House, who overturned a large part of the anti-immigration measures of his predecessor, Donald Trump.

Newspaper Washington Post He revealed that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is planning to convert Immigration detention centers In South Texas, sites are in place to quickly deal with the families of migrants who crossed the border irregularly and release them within 72 hours.

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