Cuba demands an end to the blockade imposed by the United States

Cuba demands an end to the blockade imposed by the United States

The Cuban Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodriguez, today called for an end to the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States on his country, considering it a violation of human rights.

The foreign minister wrote in his official account on Twitter that this “unethical” policy must be stopped “without conditions.”

His message also referred to an increase in voices in the northern country and the world “calling for an end to the blockade and for removing our country from the list of states sponsoring terrorism, in front of those who benefit from harming the Cuban people.”

Last Sunday, groups of protesters in cities in the United States and Canada called for an end to Washington’s extraterritorial policy.

The activists called for “building bridges of love” between the peoples of Cuba and the United States, in contact with the convoys organized and implemented by the Allianza Martiana alliance in Miami several years ago.

On this day, the French Cooperative Association of Cuba described the blockade as genocide and condemned the aim of starving the Caribbean population.

According to the island’s land authorities, the blockade is the biggest obstacle to the development of the nation.

The accumulated damages during six decades amounted to 144 thousand and 413 million dollars, and the US action between April 2019 and March 2020 caused losses of about five thousand and 570 million dollars, which is a record for one year.

The intensity of the aggression intensified under the presidency of Donald Trump (2017-2021), when some 240 coercive measures were taken and Cuba was included in the White House’s unilateral list of countries that were supposed to be sponsors of terrorism.

Havana March 5, 2021
Digital Register / PL

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