The United States stops importing Mexican shrimp

The United States stops importing Mexican shrimp

Mexico City, May 1, 2021. – Mexico Announced that it would seek to restore the United States export certification Shrimp After losing your registration Through inadequate protection for sea turtles.

The Minister of Agriculture It stated that it will take corrective action and conduct training to ensure that fishing vessels Shrimp Do not hold Turtle As an accidental capture. veto United State It coincides with the end of a season Shrimp Mexican added.

Mexico She asked her fleet to install exclusion devices Sea turtle In networks Shrimp. But US Department of State He said the country was no longer meeting its standards on this issue.

It was not clear whether this decision was deserved or not Mexico Protection measures have not been implemented or US measures are now more stringent. But Mexico admitted that it would implement “a more stringent inspection and surveillance program”.

The County Administration She said she “suspended certification Mexico Because Your protection program Sea turtle They are no longer comparable however United State”.

Most of the catches Shrimp Wild Mexico It is exported to United State.

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