The United States will, for the first time, release vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson – El Financiero

The United States will, for the first time, release vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson – El Financiero

President Joe Biden plans to send 20 million additional doses of US coronavirus vaccines Overseas by the end of June, including, for the first time authorized doses for home use, where Supply started to outpace demand.

Biden will announce on Monday that it will release 20 million doses of vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, in addition to the 60 million doses of AstraZeneca it has already planned to offer to other countries, according to a senior official familiar with the plan. .

The source, who requested anonymity before the president’s upcoming statements, stressed that the measures are only a first step as the United States focuses its attention on suppressing the epidemic abroad.

Biden had previously promised the United States It will become the “arsenal” of global vaccine supplies.

The official said Biden will also announce that he will appoint Jeff Zents, who served as the Coronavirus Response Coordinator at the White House, in charge of his efforts to defeat the pandemic globally.

Zients will work with the National Security Council and other agencies to direct the shots abroad.

The announcement comes at a watershed moment in the pandemic and a focal point for the Biden administration. The United States government, under two presidency, has claimed that nearly all of the hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine produced are on its soil. This approach allowed Biden to develop what was one of the most successful home vaccination efforts in the world. But it has fueled disparities between countries that can produce their own vaccines and those that cannot.

Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are licensed for emergency use in the United States, but AstraZeneca Injection is not. Still not immediately apparent Which countries will receive US shipments?

Mexico and Canada have already received doses of AstraZeneca’s US stock, and Pfizer has begun shipping doses of its vaccine produced in the United States to countries such as Mexico, Canada and Uruguay, as well as the Biden administration’s plans to share the doses.

The US national vaccination campaign is running out of weapons for injection. The country plans to cross the threshold of 60 percent of adults who received at least one injection on Monday.

The need for vaccines

Meanwhile, dozens of low-income countries and even some developed countries are struggling to secure vaccine supplies.

COVAX, a global program to facilitate vaccine procurement and access to low-income countries, Faced with shortage of supply UNICEF expects the deficit to reach about 190 million doses next month, UNICEF, one of its partners, warned on Monday. Biden had earlier announced a promise of up to $ 4 billion for the mechanism.

Biden said he will only share doses generated in the United States when there are sufficient supplies to meet domestic demand. Manufacturing errors at the Baltimore plant resulted in a batch of Johnson & Johnson injection contaminated and vaccine production slowed dramatically. It was once seen as the mainstay of American supply. Instead, the United States has relied almost entirely on Pfizer and Moderna intakes.

Biden faced pressure to do more to help the world, as he removed nearly all mitigation measures, such as the use of face masks, and other countries tried to quell new disease outbreaks and new variants with limited supplies of syringes.

Biden has launched what he calls a “new phase” in his efforts to fight the pandemic, moving to hard work to persuade more reluctant Americans to get vaccinated while drying up the demand among people who are craving vaccinations.

The number of cases in the United States continues to decline, with 16,857 new cases recorded on Sunday. Lowest daily total since March 2020Although Sundays are usually the lowest daily total of any week. The vaccination rate is more than a third lower than it was a month ago, and now stands at about two million doses per day.

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