The US Treasury supports Miley’s measures to “restore economic stability”

The US Treasury supports Miley’s measures to “restore economic stability”

In this news

In a new sample of Washington’s political support for the economic reforms implemented in Argentina by President Javier Mele High weight task United States Treasury Today I reported that the North American Department “They welcomed the government’s commitment to restoring economic stability.”

Undersecretary of the Treasury, Jay Shambhu Who was at Casa Rosada spoke about the “Miley administration’s vision for the Argentine economy” and highlighted in a statement he discussed this afternoon with the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo “The importance of focusing on maintaining support for the most vulnerable Argentines During the difficult process of adaptation. “.

Definition of administration envoys Joe Biden A visit to Buenos Aires would be of great benefit so that Miley and his government can immediately move forward with negotiations to reach an agreement. Debt restructuring with the International Monetary Fund Taking into account that North American Treasury has a strong weight on the fund’s board.

As much as he could know the historian, In the meeting with Caputo; Interior Minister, Guillermo Francoschief of staff Nicholas Boss and President of BCRA, Santiago Boselli, he The Deputy Secretary of the North American Treasury praised the economic measures implemented by the Argentine government.

This message from Washington was delivered after the meeting to the second official in the hierarchy of the powerful head of the Treasury Department, Janet Yellen I stay with Kabuto At Casa Rosada where Miley did not participate.

Chairman Miley and Champo of the US Treasury

Visit shampoo It is of particular importance to the government because Argentina needs to redefine its payment schedule to the International Monetary Fund and Treasury officials Direct line to the IMF Board of Directors The keys to enabling negotiations to restructure Argentina’s debt. this That would give the next government breathing room on payments And maturity dates with international credit organizations.

Moreover, visit shampoo To Argentina gained importance if we take this into account He is the political chief of the US representative to the International Monetary Fund, Geeta Gopinath, One of those conducting debt restructuring negotiations.

In line with the US Treasury’s support, the International Monetary Fund last week issued a statement supporting the Fund’s reforms led by Miley by emphasizing that “ The IMF’s technical experts support the measures announced today by the new Argentine Economy Minister, Luis Caputo. These strong initial actions indicate… Significantly improve public finances in a way that protects the most vulnerable groups in society Strengthening the exchange rate system.

More support from Washington

The meeting of Shampoo with Kabuto and Bossi This came a week after the Secretary of the National Security Council made a statement. Mike Pyle met with President Miley and Caputo.

Qualified sources from Miley’s government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that the mission of the US Treasury Department included a An “important gesture” to support the Joe Biden administration To the initial management of Milei.

Economy Minister Luis Caputo

The US National Security Council Deputy Advisor stated that he “spoke about President Milley’s plans for the Argentine economy, stressing the importance of laying the foundations for economic growth to create opportunities for working families.”

Miley and Pyle also reportedly discussed areas where the United States and Argentina could do more “Enhance their cooperation” Including advancing the transition towards clean energy and stimulating private sector investments in the country.

Chinese pressure

These two visits also came on the heels of a key meeting held by the President with a delegation from China to expand the swap line.

Miley and North American Ambassador Mark Stanley

from Washington took note of Miley’s meeting with the Vice Chairman of the Chinese People’s Congress Wu Weihua.

In that meeting with the Argentine President He delivered a message to his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, of good behavior and requested the renewal of the swap in order to obtain the necessary funds to guarantee Import flow and debt repayment to the IMF.

the Miley’s letter to President Xi Jinping It has opened up the possibilities of establishing a new bilateral relationship with China, which today is Washington’s main trade enemy. This gesture from Argentina came after President Miley left behind the harsh criticism against Beijing that he launched during the election campaign.

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