The vaccination ended at El Sol de la Laguna Medical College

The vaccination ended at El Sol de la Laguna Medical College

Gómez Palacio, Drwango. – Vaccination was concluded at the University of Medicine College for the Health Sector with a total of 3,500 doses at last, which were applied between Tuesday and Wednesday.

In charge of vaccination coordination, Lorenzo Blanco Lozano reported that at 8:00 pm on Tuesday, the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 for both public and private health workers in La Laguna de Durango concluded, with 3,500 doses of Pfizer applied.

He said the goal of the start-up is to distribute this biological material to 3,100 people, based on lists previously provided by the Durango government to the Department of National Defense and other federal government agencies to develop this special brigade.

However, Lorenzo Blanco Lozano, Director of District 02 in Durango of the Ministry of Social Welfare, specified that the vaccines that arrived were used as a surplus, so that all the health workers who were in line were covered, the majority of whom corresponded to the private sector. section.

He did not rule out that some doctors or health workers from the private sector were still waiting, but he confirmed that all those who attended the vaccination point located in the College of Health Sciences at UJED in Gomez Palacio attended.

With this the program is finished, achieving the goal despite the fact that it was not the lists that were given to them because on Tuesday morning there were about 250 people who had yet to register.


  • The vaccination process was completed for 3,500 health personnel

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