The woman’s graffiti in the cheating husband’s car and video goes viral on TikTok

The woman’s graffiti in the cheating husband’s car and video goes viral on TikTok
The woman’s graffiti in the cheating husband’s car and video goes viral on TikTok
The cheating pair was featured on TikTok. Photo: Gettyimages.

a Women made Widely in Tik Tok to Graffiti the Luxury car from him the husbandwho accused him of allegedly “ruining his family”. betrayal.

the Videofrom 12 secshared by User .andresvwhich he made a musician with The viral voice “Oh no, no“.

“Beginning of the show #paoloinfiel #lima”.

reads in the description of the viral video.

In the Sign Up It was noted how WomenHis name is unknown identificationTake a box of aerosol And scratched in red ink a message with “Paulo Messia‘, which is supposed to be a name She cheats on her husband.

“Paolo Messia, traitor, liar, you love whores… you ruined your family, unfaithful, womanizer.”

It reads on the hood of the white car.

  • the videos Together they have more than 60 thousand copies in Tik Tok.

in another Videouploaded by .andresvyou can see what will be the second part of Historywhere you see a file camel from She cheats on her husband completely stopped Graffiti It is noticed by witnesses who pass by.

The place where the events took place is unknown. facts; However, judging by hashtags written in videosis supposed to have occurred in a county MirafloresBelongs to gearAnd Peru.

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