There is consensus to give more budget to science

There is consensus to give more budget to science

Science and technology can be guaranteed In a decade a budget equivalent to 1% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) With a plan to gradually increase each year.

Consensus appears to be guaranteed in the National Congress, which is Last week, it was awarded half of the penalty for this law in the deputies, With 189 votes in favor and only 2 negative, and On Wednesday, a favorable opinion was presented at the plenary session of the Senate Science, Technology, Budget and Finance committees.

The initiative under discussion was introduced last year in MPs by UCR and Cambiemos reviewers, but there was also a similar project submitted by Patagonian Silvina García Larraburu and Silvia Sapag, both from the Todos Front.

In 2019, the scientific and university sector in Bariloche organized various demonstrations to demand more budget in the face of cuts from the previous government.

This week the Science Funding Act took an important step in the Senate. Kindness

Is ahThe scheme to give a percentage of the GDP to a sector is similar to the scheme created years ago with education, Which should have secured funds equivalent to 6% of GDP.

In the bill for science and technology An increase in investment in this sector is expected with the aim of strengthening the federation of the scientific and technological system, Developing the productive matrix, creating quality jobs, achieving visible technological scientific advances, enhancing training of professionals, increasing infrastructure and equipment, among other points.

The scheme It sets a minimum of 0.28% of GDP with this year’s budget and a gradual increase each year until it reaches 1% in 2032.. It also states that the annual budget at face value may never be less than the previous year.

The project defines the nation’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation as the law enforcement authority and provides that funds must be distributed according to a federal standard of association with the Federal Council of Science and Technology.

We quadruple the budget. If around $ 1 billion is invested this year, 4 billion will be allocated in 2032, With a direct impact on resources 17 national scientific and technological organizationsAmong them are Conicet, Cnea, Conae, Inti, Inta and the ministry itself, “said Garcia Laraburo, who chairs the Senate Science and Technology Committee, when accompanying the project this week.

For parelocency, that’s law “It will allow for greater predictability, and ensure the growth and expansion of our scientific system.” It also assesses that it seeks to “reduce inequalities that exist between different regions of the country.”

Garcia Laraburo also said that the project “also integrates a gender perspective, so that an increasing number of women can advance their scientific career.” The text explicitly encourages participation by women and residents, LGTBI +.

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