They captured a volcanic ray on the main cone of La Palma

They captured a volcanic ray on the main cone of La Palma

Experts from the Volcanic Institute of the Canary Islands (Involcan) managed to capture a video of a volcanic lightning In the main cone of Cumbre Vieja volcano on the island of La Palma In Spain.

Through his Twitter account, Involcan shared a video in which a file volcanic lightning In the giant that put the region of the Spanish archipelago on alert, which has so far destroyed more than 800 buildings and forced about six thousand people to evacuate their homes on the island.

In the video posted on October 11 Lightning like ash, smoke and lava erupts from volcano.

In the post, volcanologists explained that the ash and pyroclast released from the volcano initially do not have an electric charge, but are due to friction between them in a hostile environment, which causes the release of ions in the volcanic plume.

However, during the activity that the volcano continued, it was possible to observe lightning near the eruption, as happened last Saturday, October 9, when rivers flooded from washing buildings near the volcano on the Spanish island of La Palma. Early in the morning.

Facing the natural scene, the international media reported that with the drama of the red hot eruption, the lightning show intensified.

The volcanic rays It was recently discovered in 2016. A study published by the specialized journal Geophysical Research Letters He found that lightning can be produced during volcanic eruptions because the collision of ash particles creates an electric charge.

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