They propose a strong economic block in the T-MEC region

They propose a strong economic block in the T-MEC region

Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, Mexico’s next ambassador to the United States, has fought to form a powerful economic bloc, on a global scale, with the United States and Canada, not forgetting Central America.

On leaving the official Ministry of Public Education, during the morning conference at the National Palace, he noted that the border between Mexico and the United States is the most dynamic in the world, with 37 million citizens living there, which is more than 11% of the total American population, in addition to the fact that the state Neighboring buys eight out of ten Mexican exports.

While the production of the states of South America, along with the Mexican states on the northern border, adds the equivalent of the fourth largest economy in the world, and for this reason, he said: “There is no other destination for this relationship than to continue growth, improvement, maturity and cooperation in sovereignty and respect.”

Moctezuma Barragán also added that every country must put its will in establishing the North American region, including Canada, and that “with respect to its sovereignty, we form the strongest bloc at the global level without forgetting our brothers in Central America.”

For his part, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador emphasized that because the relationship with the United States is strategic, due to neighborhood and geopolitics, someone like Esteban Moctezuma is needed as ambassador in Washington.

The Mexican President also stressed that the relationship with the United States and Canada is essential.

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