They reveal the best and worst smell in the world

They reveal the best and worst smell in the world
They reveal the best and worst smell in the world
Vanilla and foot odor were the most and least pleasant smells among the people. | Photo: Internet.

The Aromatherapy What we like or dislike is determined primarily by the structure of a particular scent molecule.according to scientists from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and Oxford University in the United Kingdom, who in new studio Show it People share scent preferences regardless of their cultural backgroundBeside What is the best and worst smell of all people in the world.

To determine whether People all over the world have the same olfactory perception And they like the same smells, Or if this is something that is culturally learned, the researchers asked 225 people from nine cultures who represented different lifestyles: four groups of hunters and gatherers, five groups with different forms of farming and fishing, Rate odors on a scale from pleasant to unpleasant.

The scents participants were asked to rate are included vanillaWhich smells best, followed by the buttery ethyl substance that smells like Peache.

The smell that most participants considered least pleasant was the smell of isovaleric acid, Which can be found in many foods, such as Cheese, soy milk and apple juice, but also in foot sweat.

One possible reason, according to Artin Archamian, a researcher in the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet, is the reason behind this. People find some smells more pleasurable than others, regardless of culture, which is that these smells have increased the chances of survival during human evolution.

“We now know that there is a global perception of smell that is driven by molecular structure and this explains why we like or dislike a particular scent. The next step is to study why this is by relating this knowledge to what happens in the brain when we smell a particular scent.”

With this study it was found that The structure of the scent molecule determines whether a scent is considered pleasant or notand that some scents were liked more than others, regardless of the participants’ cultural affiliation.

“Cultures all over the world classify different scents similarly regardless of their source, but scent preferences have a personal, albeit not a cultural component.” Archman said.

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