This Thursday we will exhaust the natural resources of 2021

This Thursday we will exhaust the natural resources of 2021

Humanity will have used up all of the planet’s resources for this year on Thursday, so”Environmental Religion Day“Back to 2019 levels after a short respite in 2020 for health crisisThe NGO alerted Global Footprint Network.

“More than five months into the end of the year, on July 29, we will have exhausted the planetary budget for biological resources for 2021,” Glasgow’s chief political officer Susan Aitken said in a statement on Tuesday.

“If we need a reminder of the climate and environmental emergency we face, Judgment Day will have it,” added the mayor of this city that will host the COP26 climate conference in November.

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This indicator seeks to show growth human consumption Expansion on a limited planet. This year, 1.7 of the land will be needed to meet the needs of the world’s population in a sustainable way.

The date is calculated by crossing The ecological footprint of human activities and the “BucapacidadFrom the Earth (the ability of ecosystems to regenerate and absorb human-generated waste, especially carbon dioxide).

Photo: Patrick Meinhardt/AFP

Debt occurs when human pressure exceeds the regenerative capacities of natural ecosystems.

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According to an American NGO, this has not stopped increasing in 50 years: December 29, 1970, November 4, 1980, October 11, 1990, September 23, 2000 and August 7, 2010.

In 2020, this date has been pushed back three weeks, to August 22, due to the impact of confinements linked to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year’s decline is attributed to a 6.6% increase in carbon footprint, as well as a 0.5% decrease in forest biocapacity “due in large part to peak deforestation in the Amazon” according to the Global Footprint Network.

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“This data clearly shows that recovery plans for the post-COVID-19 era can only be successful in the long term, if they are based on regeneration and rational management of environmental resources,” estimates Laurel Hanscom, director of the NGO.


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