Trade agreement negotiations with the United States can begin after the Trade and Investment Board meeting

Trade agreement negotiations with the United States can begin after the Trade and Investment Board meeting

Guillermo Laso’s recent visit to the United StatesLast week, the results were considered very positive, according to the government and sources close to the Ecuadorean embassy in the United States.

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In addition to participating in the UN summit, Lasso took the opportunity to meet with businessmen from that country. For example, he had meetings with Association of the Americas / Council of the Americas (AS / COA)Goldman Sachs and the Ecuadorean American Society.

After Lasso’s visit, expectations were set for the next meeting of Trade and Investment Council (TIC) Ecuador and the United StatesWhich will take place in November or December of this year. After that meeting, they are expected to be able to start formal negotiations on a trade agreement with the United States.

The scenario is favorable because the US Congress andYou support negotiating a trade agreement with Ecuador, sources close to the Ecuadorean embassy in that country indicated.

The Ecuadorean ambassador to the United States, Yvonne Baki, is optimistic and confirmed on September 28, in an interview with Radio Democracia, that A deal can be done next year. “I assure you that it will be so,” he stressed.


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