Train or bus? The world’s first dual vehicle was successfully launched in Japan (video, photos)

Train or bus?  The world’s first dual vehicle was successfully launched in Japan (video, photos)


25 dic 2021 19:11 GMT

The innovative transport has a capacity of up to 21 passengers and can reach speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour on the road.

Asa Coast Railway has inaugurated the world’s first dual vehicle (DMV, English acronym), a “train bus” capable of operating on both roads and rail. The public event that took place this Saturday in Kayo (Tokushima, Japan), mentioned The company on its Twitter account.

Mayor Shigeki Miura she was The person responsible for giving the command to start the event in which they are placed a job, gradually, a total of Tris DMVOne is blue, one is green, and one is red.

“The launch ceremony has been completed successfully,” the company later wrote. “We would like to thank you all for your efforts to welcome today and to request your continued support for the operation of DMVs,” he added.

according to ReutersThe innovative car, whose appearance looks like a minibus, incorporates steel wheels that lower when the car needs to travel on train tracks, turning it into a kind of wagon.

This DMV, which runs on diesel fuel and can carry up to 21 passengers, is capable of reaching a speed of 100 on the highway and 60 kilometers per hour on public road rail.

“It can reach the villagers [como un autobús] And take them on the railroad as well,” explained Toyuki Ihara, director of Asa Seaside Railway. Hopefully it will be a very good form of public transportation, especially in rural areas that have aging population“he added.

The small fleet of DMVs currently available in part of the coast of the island of Shikoku, located in the south of the Asian country, is expected to connect several small towns and provide attractive landscapes for passengers, thus encouraging tourism.

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