Travelers from Europe, the United States and Mexico drive visits to Peru | News

Travelers from Europe, the United States and Mexico drive visits to Peru |  News

Ricardo Acosta, President of the Peruvian Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies (Apavit), stated today that most of the foreign travelers who visit us for tourism come from Europe, the United States and Mexico.

He stressed that Spain and Germany stand out from the European bloc as countries of origin for tourists to Peru.

He told Andean Agency.

He commented that another group of tourists prefer jungle destinations where Tarapoto is characterized by tourist attractions and good weather.


Acosta added that a destination like Arequipa attracts an important group of foreign travelers for its diverse cuisine, as well as its attractions as a city.

“A key feature of our country is the recognition of its rich and varied cuisine. He emphasized that in addition to its flavour, dishes are better prepared and served in the regions each time.

However, the head of Apavit acknowledged that at the moment, the influx of foreign tourists is only 10% of what was recorded in the pre-disease period.

“It is clear that inbound tourism is severely affected by the epidemic and health restrictions,” he said.

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