Trump exige retirar Pulitzer a Washington Post y New York Times

Trump exige retirar Pulitzer a Washington Post y New York Times

New York: Former President of the United States, Donald Trump The board demanded Pulitzer Prizes To withdraw prizes given to new York times NS Washington Post in 2018 for “false articles” related to the former president’s alleged plot with Russian authorities.

In a statement, Trump published a letter addressed to the Acting Director of the Prestigious Awards, bud ClementAnd who asks that Pulitzer for National Reports Grants to two of the most important media outlets in the United States are rescinded, because articles published are “based on wrong information On non-existent links between Kremlin And Trump’s (election) campaign.”

“As it was widely reported, coverage was no more than a decorated pictures Policy In the letter, Trump said he tried to weave a false narrative that my campaign conspired with Russia despite a complete lack of evidence.

The former president had already requested that Pulitzer withdraw this in March 2019, but this time he referred to the charges filed last month by the special counsel. John Durham against Michael SussmanWho was a representative of the electoral campaign of the former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

According to Durham, who was appointed during the Trump administration, Sussman lied FBI When he gave the agency information about possible ties between the Trump campaign and Alfa Bank, associated with Kremlin.

Trump noted in his letter that the Pulitzer Council praised a number of sources available to “Relentless reporting“Affiliate” The New York Times and the Washington Post About the connections of the former president to Moscow, but he claims that most of these sources were anonymous.

The titles were Very exciting They relied heavily on unconfirmed anonymous sources.”

The The New York Times It has won more than 130 Pulitzer Prizes throughout its 170-year history and Washington Post Nearly 70 years old, both are among the world’s most famous and influential modes of communication.

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ardm / rmlgv

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