United Nations Secretary-General promotes voluntary licensing of COVID-19 vaccine exchange

United Nations Secretary-General promotes voluntary licensing of COVID-19 vaccine exchange

SR. Yao Bo Adu

Mr. Yao Bawadu Iipuvuh, President of the National Media Council (NMC), urged journalists and media professionals to continue to maintain high journalistic standards when performing tasks to maintain public confidence.

“For all of us, it is important to realize the fact that when we say we want to treat information as a public good, this constitutes an obligation on us, as a media, to do the right thing and do the right thing, and to do so is just. Nothing missing can be considered a public good.

At the celebration of World Press Freedom Day in Accra on Tuesday, Mr. Ipoave lamented the lack of professionalism and misinformation in some media areas, which he said could undermine the successful experience of the media over the years.

“Whoever thinks that he is contributing to the public interest will always make sure not to sell false information, and will not fabricate lies, and will not lie, because it is forbidden to lie as a journalist, because if you lie to your neighbors, he can kill him, and for this people say that the barn is stronger than the grass. He said.

The President of NMC has said that, as a committee, he is committed to protecting the media environment and ensuring that the media remain relevant and free.

He added that the committee will work with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), partners and the Ministry of Information to establish an office that guarantees the safety of journalists.

I think we have a primary responsibility to protect the media environment and make sure the media remains relevant. Therefore, the importance of the media does not lie solely in the degree of its freedom. This happens when they are free and responsible, because as has already been observed abroad, anyone who exercises freedom without responsibility will nullify the freedom. “

This year’s event was celebrated under the theme “Thirty Years After the Windhoek Declaration: Information as a Public Good”.

Ms. Linda Asante-Agie, Vice-Chair of the Ghanaian Journalists Association (GJA), said World Press Freedom Day should consistently remind governments that run it and civil society organizations to honor their commitments. Promoting freedom, defending freedom and using it as an indispensable tool to promote freedom, justice and development.

He urged citizens to provide reliable information to the authorities or through the media when they have information of public interest, adding: “Regular, timely, proactive and adequate information will eliminate the gap that provides space for people. Misleading information or false information.”

Courtesy and respect for decency are required when discussing all social speeches, including discussion and dialogue, to provide relevant information to the public.

Information Minister Kuju Ubung Nkrumah assured the media that the government will provide support to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He explained that the ministry’s press department has recruited, trained, and dismissed 100 officials who have the right to know, and they are currently working in various ministries and agencies across the country to help those who request any information.

The minister said the government is also working to improve oversight of analytical broadcasting and media publishing to ensure that the high standards obtained over the years are maintained.

Mr. Diallo Abdel-Rahman, UNESCO Representative in Ghana, called on working staff to disseminate information in a timely and transparent manner, and urged the media to report carefully to ensure cohesion and development at the national level.

UNESCO and many international organizations celebrate World Press Freedom Day on May 3 each year to raise awareness of the importance of freedom of the press and remind governments of the duty to respect and preserve the right to freedom of expression stipulated in the Convention. Article 19 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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