US Embassy: Even When There’s No Visa Appointment Available | nnda-nnlt | Peru

US Embassy: Even When There’s No Visa Appointment Available |  nnda-nnlt |  Peru

If you have thought Sightseeing, shopping or visiting relatives and you do not have It’s important to start addressing it, because interview waits are long: it takes years.

Any foreign national seeking to enter the United States must first obtain a US visa. Requests must be dealt with in a timely manner. The pandemic has caused interviews to be delayed, to the point where, a few months ago, there were only emergency appointments. Again, appointments are enabled for those applying for a visitor visa, but you can’t imagine the waiting time.

Until when is there no deadline to apply for a US visa?

Although the interview usually takes no more than two minutes, getting the appointment takes a long time. As of January 6, 2023, p He pointed out that the waiting period for requesting an appointment to obtain a tourist visa at the US Embassy in Lima is 757 days. By entering this link, you will be able to know the waiting time for each city you want to discover, such as Lima, Mexico, Buenos Aires, Bogota, La Paz or Santiago de Chile. To do this, you must enter the name in the yellow box.

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Wait times for US visa processing in Peru (Photo:

What are the most common interview questions for a US visa?

Although every interview is different, there are questions that are asked frequently, according to the portal . If there are no problems, the show should take no more than two minutes. These are the questions:

1. Where are you traveling to in the United States?

List the state or city in the United States that you are going to visit.

2. What is the purpose of your trip?

If you go on vacation, suffice it to say that you are traveling for “tourism”.

3. How long are you staying and when do you plan to leave?

The more specific this answer, the better. This must match the term you recorded on the DS-160.

4. Who are you traveling with?

Mention the person you included in the form. They may ask your relationship.

5. Where do you work? How long have you been working there and what activities do you do?

Be specific with the company name and seniority. Give your position and the activities you do. This way they will notice that you have a permanent job and are not looking to travel to the US to stay and work. You are more likely to get a visa if you have a job. If you are unemployed, the probability of being rejected is high.

6. Who will pay your travel expenses?

If you will be paying for your flight, say so, and if someone else in your family will, make it clear.

7. Where will you stay?

Just give the name of the hotel. If you have more information about the street or county, you can mention it.

8. Do you have relatives in the United States?

This is one of the most complicated matters because they will review the family members’ immigration status and history with the authorities. If someone in your family is a US citizen and hasn’t had any issues with the authorities, you can mention that, but if they immigrated, it’s best not to mention it during the interview.

9. Have you ever traveled or been to the United States?

Tourist visa renewers may need to add the period during which they visited the United States and the places they visited.

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What do I have to calculate at the interview for a US visa?

  • your review .
  • Speak sincerely.
  • It is essential to be clear about the dates.
  • You don’t have to speak English, even less if you don’t speak English and are nervous.
  • If you don’t understand what they asked of you, ask them to repeat the question.
  • Don’t answer for things you weren’t asked for, as they might get tangled up.

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