Video: A thief tries to rob an ice cream parlor in Brazil and ends up being saved by the police from being killed by the staff.

Video: A thief tries to rob an ice cream parlor in Brazil and ends up being saved by the police from being killed by the staff.


December 30, 2021 15:35 GMT

Police said the facility’s workers were unharmed and would not be investigated for their actions as it was a “case of self-defence”.

A failed robbery that took place in an ice cream parlor in the city of Brusc (Santa Catarina, Brazil) was recorded on video by security cameras, and the unexpected outcome of the thief appears.

The events took place on December 26 when a man was wearing a helmet on his head and armed with a knife, they stormed the institution, heading towards the cashier, Picks St. 1.

However, things did not go as expected and the criminal was immediately arrested by the ice cream shop workers. Someone took a wooden chair to strike the criminal on the ground. The other employees also did not sit idly next to him, in addition to beating him, they threw themselves at him to immobilize him.

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The military police who attended the scene revealed that they had to save the man from existence executed without trialFrom that time it was alreadyvery painfulThe owner of the robbery was immediately arrested and taken to a hospital, and after receiving his medical release on Monday, he was transferred to the Advanced Prisons Unit.

The workers on their part were not injured and will not be investigated for their actions as they involve “self defense caseAccording to police chief Egidio Ferrari. In the meantime, the management of the ice cream shop revealed that this is the first time that the establishment has been subjected to a burglary. “At that time it was scary. Then we think about the consequences of what could have happened.”

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