Weather in the United States: Weather in Dallas on August 9

Weather in the United States: Weather in Dallas on August 9

As a result of climate change, the changes in the weather are more constant which means that in one day there may be high temperatures and constant rain as well as strong frosts; Take precautions and check Weather forecast for August 9 in Dallas, USA.

Precipitation probability For this Tuesday in Dallas, it’s 40% during the day and 25% all night.

Meanwhile, cloud cover will be 25% during the day and 45% during the night.

Regarding temperature A maximum of 36 degrees and a minimum of 26 degrees in this US region. UV radiation is expected to reach a level of 11.

Wind gusts reach 22 kilometers per hour during the day and 20 kilometers per hour at night.

The city of Dallas is located in the southern United States, in the northwest of the state of Texas, in the county of the same name.

The climate in Texas is mainly humid subtropicalwhich means that he suffers from Cold or mild winters, as well as hot and humid summersIn addition to the rainy season well throughout the year.

warmest temperatures They were recorded in July and August, when the temperature is about 40 degrees; In contrast, it was in January and December when Cold weather prevailswith temperatures close to zero.

Meanwhile, the month with More rain in Dallas It is usually in the month of May.

(Photo: file)

How is the weather in the United States?

Being such a large country, the United States has a variety of climates, almost all of them.

On the eastern side of the United States Two main climates prevail: humid subtropical and humid continental.

In Northeast America The most common climate is wet mainland Which is characterized by rainfall throughout the year and turns into storms in the summer and snowfall throughout the winter.

In the southeastern United States prevailing weather humid subtropical Hot summers, cold winters and heavy rain.

From the American West SideThere are at least three major climates prevailing: semi-arid, arid and mediterranean.

Semi-arid climate, in its cold subtypecovers The most central part of the western and northern southern United StatesIt is characterized by less precipitation and lower temperatures.

In the southwestern United States is where he is Dry climate, in its cold and warm subtype. In the arid cold, the winter is freezing and the summer is mild, while in the hot drought, the summer records very high temperatures and in the winter the weather is mild. In both cases precipitation is scarce.

mediterranean climate score in Most coastal areas of the American West, from north to south It is characterized by its rainy mild winters and dry and hot summers.

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