Why is exercise important for people with spondylitis

Why is exercise important for people with spondylitis

Madrid 16 cities. (European Press) –

In people with arthritis, exercise improves fitness, spine flexibility, and pain; In addition, it reduces inflammation, can improve mood, and ultimately increase your quality of life, explained the Spanish Foundation for Rheumatology (FER), which just launched the “Reumafit” campaign to promote the sport among patients.

“Physical activity and exercise improve symptoms of spondylitis, prevent many of its consequences in the medium term, and can limit the negative impact on its development of factors such as comorbidities and medication side effects,” explains rheumatologist Christina Macia. FER Patient Relations Committee Coordinator.

However, remember that physical inactivity is common in these patients, and is associated with poorer physical function, more symptoms (such as pain and inflammation), and a poorer quality of life.

“Despite the fact that all clinical guidelines and international consensus documents consider physical activity and exercise as essential components of spondyloarthritis treatment, people with this rheumatic disease typically perform less physical activity than the general population,” he says.

However, if these patients do sports, the specialist recalls the importance of supervising a sports professional, “with exercises according to the limits and needs of each.”

When choosing a type of exercise, it is necessary that a person is comfortable doing it, because in this way it will be easier for him to form the habit of exercising regularly, that is, at least three times a week.

As part of the Reumafit campaign, FER and AGAER organized a seawater physical exercise workshop for people with spondylitis. Presented by Nayara Irazusta, Physiotherapist from La Perla Donostia, this workshop focused on exercises to mobilize different joints and strengthen the back and core muscles (abdominal, lumbar, pelvic, deep fibers and spine muscles).

“It’s all about performing low-impact exercises to gently mobilize all joints and maintain joint mobility, and take advantage of the resistance of the water itself to strengthen the muscles,” said the physical therapist.

“Exercising in seawater helps reduce pain and inflammation and maintain functional ability, helping them go about their daily activities and improving their quality of life,” explains Irazusta.

Meryn Barrio, president of the AGAER and spondyloarthritis patient, agrees to hear the benefits mentioned by the physical therapist. “For us to move is essential because the pain lessens with movement,” he says. “Even though you’re sick, the little you can do improves your day dramatically.”

In addition, the AGAER Chair highlights other beneficial aspects of exercising with other patients. “It’s not just about physical improvement but the fact of socializing, sharing with people who understand your pain. It’s a moment where mental health benefits too, because of the endorphins from exercising and sharing with people who understand you because they also live with chronic rheumatic disease in their daily lives, Barrio explains.

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