Why is there a red egg and white and which is better?

Why is there a red egg and white and which is better?
Why is there a red egg and white and which is better?
The egg is important in people’s diet. Photo: Getty Images.

Rancheros, mexican style absolutes, with ham, with sausage, pannel, are some of the How to prepare the egg; with food Christopher Columbus during his second voyage to the Americas when he brought 200 chickens in his caravan.

In order to recognize the importance in people’s diet, as well as its advantages and benefits for nutrition and health, in 1996 in Vienna, International Egg CommissionWhich announced that every second Friday in October world egg dayin detail National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

But have you ever wondered which egg is better, white or red?

Red egg or white: which is better?

  • The red egg has the thickest shell.

In this regard, the Food and Fisheries Information Service I mentioned that the younger the hen, the thicker the shell in her egg, so the thickness of the hen’s shell an egg It is determined by the age of the bird. But not because of its color (white or brown).

  • The white egg is more nutritious

The egg is rich in protein, especially albumin, which is the white (pure) part, and fat (yolk). Egg whites It is made up of 90% water and the rest is protein.; it is This is the only food that provides protein without fat. The yolk is the third part of the egg and is mainly composed of healthy fats, vitamins, proteins and minerals, providing a total of 60 calories. The difference between white and brown in terms of nutrients? no one.

Due to genetic factors, the egg is red or white

So far, the federal agency adds, Neither the thickness of the shell nor the nutrient content is the determining factor an egg he is “betterTherefore, it is necessary to determine the cause of the difference in color.

The color of the shell is caused solely and exclusively by genetic factors. The pigments protoporphyrin, biliverdin, and biliverdin chelate zinc are responsible for the coloration of the shell. In other words, Chickens of breeds with white feathers lay white eggswhile those with brown feathers will lay brown eggs.

Both types of eggs, red and white, are nutritious

The color of the shell does not determine whether this food is more or less nutritiousonly indicates to consumers the breed of chicken from which the product comes, so, taking into account the above considerations, among other aspects, an egg is considered a sign of nutrition regardless of color, the Food Agriculture and Fisheries Information Service said.

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