Why isn’t Lopez Obrador the second best rated president

Why isn’t Lopez Obrador the second best rated president

After allocating space in the morning to talk about the percentage of approval of that president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador TThe Associated Press denied that the survey conducted by the company He was ranked by Morning Consult and published in the Financial Times as the second president to receive the highest approval rating.

I’ll tell you about a global survey of presidents, and what do you think? One of the tibetans, you know who, It’s primarily in approval, but so that they don’t say it’s a montage we’re putting it on for president.”

In the poll shown by the president, he ranked higher than the presidents Biden, Bolsonaro, Boris Johnson, Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel, It was just under the boss narendra modi, Prime Minister of India, who was with 67% agree, 1% more than Lopez Obrador.

Similarly, the Associated Press (AP) news platform pointed out The poll was conducted on the basis of 13 heads of state and not all heads of the world, and classify the survey as non-representative.

Among the countries considered United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, Spain, Italy, Brazil, and AustraliaIn that sense, the president was placed only second out of 13 positions considered in a Morning Consult poll.

For the above, the surveys that are conducted consist of more than 11,000 daily interviews worldwide based on the approval of the leadership that goes directly to Real-time opinion polls on political elections.

Surveys are weighted in each country by age, gender, region, and in some countries, education rankings based on official government sources, as well as race and ethnicity in some of the countries surveyed.

By not having a representative population, that is, no survey is conducted taking into account the majority of leaders and presidents around the world, and the results provided for in the survey, It will not be valid enough to indicate that the President of the Republic is the second president to have the greatest approval in the world, In this sense, the methodology used to conduct the survey was misleading.

Not only was the poll exposed throughout the morning, but the government of Mexico also released video materials in which to read the Financial Times poll results.

On the other hand, the Mitofsky survey on September 30 of this year put the approval of the federal executive at 63% within the republic, which is a growth of 5 points, and similarly the company itself states that 37% of citizens did not approve of the administration of President Tabasco.

The Mitovsky survey also confirmed that out of the republic’s 32 states, Andres Manuel was approved in 26 of them and failed in the remaining six, and it should be noted that this poll, in contrast to the study conducted by the Financial Times, was approved. Implemented only within the state, and I ruled out that this percentage is the percentage through which the president can position himself globally

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