Why would they want to boycott Burger King in the middle of Easter?

Why would they want to boycott Burger King in the middle of Easter?

fast food chain burger kingunleashed the indignation of some believers in Spain, after the launch of a “vegetarian” ad for diners to buy hamburgers on Easter.

during this Saturday GloryDevoted Catholics await the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is why many families fast and abstain from eating red meat.

with the hashtag #BoycottBurgerKingTwitter users attacked the American chain and considered the advertisement spread by the company a direct insult to Jesus Christ.

Although some netizens also considered the religious reaction to be an exaggeration, notably some of the posters advertising rewards in Seville, which read: “You all take it and eat it. that do not contain meat“yes”meaty meat“.

“No wonder #BoycottBurgerKing is all the rage. They blasphemed directly on Jesus Christ and at the same time put me on veggie burgers that are actually human meat and Soylent Green which is set in 2022 and comes to pass the train.” A Twitter user.

On the other hand, the priest Juan Manuel Gongorafrom the town of Oria, Spain, condemned the campaign and strongly urged believers not to go to those fast food restaurants.

He wrote: “Hi @burgerking_es. Because of your offensive campaign against the Eucharist, I advise my over 46,000 followers not to go to your establishment again. Let’s see if this is how we learn respect. #BoicotBurgerKing.”

As of Saturday, Burger King had not commented on the controversy, although the brand has already been positioned in Twitter trends in Spain and other parts of the world.

Panama sparks outrage among feminists

Panama, The Mexican tennis brand also sparked controversy with the launch of its new “feminist” tennis collection, inspired by the packing carried out by each one. March 8 To demand justice for the murders and abuses of women and gender equality.

Through her social networks, Banam then shared photos of her new line of shoes, featuring white, pink and purple sneakers, emblazoned with phrases that mimic the “paints” that were made on facades, buildings and installations during feminism. rallies.

However, what annoys users the most is the advertising rhetoric the brand has used to promote its product, with Banam writing in its tagline “Get angry! Scream, express yourself, get angry, you have every right and we have an obligation to listen to you, only then will the environment change.”

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