Young man from the United States earns $ 1 million to be vaccinated against Covid-19

Young man from the United States earns $ 1 million to be vaccinated against Covid-19

Young lady from United State She got a million dollars for vaccination against it Covid-19. Abbey Bugenske won the Ohio Vax-a-Million Lottery. Additionally, a teenager from the Dayton area earned the program’s first full college scholarship, the state announced.

Bugenske, according to NBC NewsBefore the lottery was announced, he had injected himself to protect his friends and family.

“I would like to encourage anyone to get vaccinated.” “If earning a million dollars is not enough, I don’t know what it will be,” the 22-year-old told a news conference.

According to the outlet, she was at the start of a four-hour trip to Cleveland and her phone rang, she initially thought it was a joke … it wasn’t.

Ohio Governor Mike Dwyane surprised her with news of her new fortune. After the announcement, he mentioned NBCHis followers increased on social networks.

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“I was screaming enough that my parents thought I was crying and that something was wrong,” she said. “And when I started shouting that I won a million dollars and that I was going to be a millionaire, they asked me to calm down and make sure it was not a joke.”

He said he doesn’t know how to plan to spend the money, but some of it will be donated and the rest will go to the new car he wants. The rest is likely to be invested.

The MSU graduate who is pursuing a master’s degree in aeronautical engineering has no plans to quit her new job. In January he moved to Silverton, a few miles from Cincinnati, to work for General Electric. She plans to continue working: “I love General Electric. I love the people I work with,” she said.

The draw will be held for five consecutive Wednesday.

The governor added, “The sooner we vaccinate people, the better.” Bugenske was one of the two winners announced Wednesday night.

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14-year-old Joseph Costello won a four-year scholarship to any Ohio college he chooses as part of the lottery.

The Cincinnati Inquirer It reported that Rich and Colin, Joseph’s parents, were vaccinated before the Vax-a-Million award was announced and their children were due to be vaccinated before the end of May.

Politico It reported that more than 2.7 million adults had signed up for the million dollar prize and that more than 104,000 children between the ages of 12 and 17 participated in the draw for the college scholarship.

The lottery seemed to work, at least at first. The number of people in Ohio aged 16 and over who got their vaccine Covid-19 It rose 33% in the week after the state announced a multimillion-dollar incentive lottery, according to an analysis News agency.

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However, the same review found that vaccination rates were still much lower than the numbers from early April and March, she said. Politico.

Participants must register by phone or through the Vax-a-Million website. Teens can register themselves, but parents or legal guardians must verify their eligibility. The non-winners will be rolled over from week to week. The deadline for new registrations is just before midnight on Sunday.

Additionally, those who have received a single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, Pfizer Part 1, or Moderna can participate.

Politico And he noted that in Colorado, Democratic Governor Jared Polis said that the state will stage a weekly lottery for five residents to win a million dollars to stimulate vaccines.

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