Young people in Cuba reject the embargo imposed on the United States (+ photos) – Prensa Latina

Young people in Cuba reject the embargo imposed on the United States (+ photos) – Prensa Latina

Through one of the central roads of this city, the people of Holguín marched on bicycles, sleds, motorcycles, cars and other means of transportation to demand an end to the genocidal blockade affecting the Cuban population in all areas of life.

Reed Freeman, a participant in the convoy, explained that he attended out of his desire to see his nation free from such a hostile policy that is trying to stifle the people by all possible means and means.

“We will not give this pleasure, we will continue the struggle and resistance for our children and the future of this society,” he said.

For her part, Graziela Serrano, a worker in the construction sector, thanked those who, in other parts of the world, joined in the initiative born out of the Puentes de Amor project, organized by the Cuban-American professor Carlos Lazo from the United States. .

Meanwhile, computer engineering student Javier Rodriguez spoke about the role of the new generation in showing discord with the blockade and intrusive measures of the North American government, from every trench, space, social networks and in activities like this.

Other heroes were students from the University of Medical Sciences in Holguín, with a distinguished presence of young people from other countries studying medicine here.

The caravan left from Benito Juárez Park for the Che Monument, along Avenida de los Libertadores, where participants raised multi-colored flags and banners in pursuit of love, solidarity and respect between peoples.

In this way, Holguin, under strict sanitary measures to prevent the transmission of SARS-Cov-2, today joined the territories of Havana, Villa Clara, Las Tunas, Ciego de Avila and Matanzas, where similar measures were implemented.

ga / mlp

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