2 Phelans quarrel during a circus show in Russia; look at the pictures

2 Phelans quarrel during a circus show in Russia;  look at the pictures
The fight took place between two elephants, Jenny and Magda. | Photo: AFP – Archive

Two elephants shine Fight during a circus show in Kazan, Russia, The fact that caused a panic among the assistants.

The incident was reported on social media. You can see in the photos how these two huge beasts use a circus ring as a fight ring.

Users of different platforms have shared the amazing and unusual battle of elephantsWhere you can see how people leave their seats to reach safety, at the same time as coaches try to control the bashyderms.

Watch the video of this battle here:

Users also took advantage of the publication of this material to make a call against animal abuse at circus shows.

Authorities in Russia are investigating

Authorities in Russia have launched an investigation into this unusual event.

“The two elephants are starting to behave aggressively.” During a show in the capital of Tatarstan, the capital of Kazan. The elephants “They tried to leave the spectator path through the stands.”The regional headquarters of the Russian Investigation Commission said in a statement.

“Thanks to the intervention of the trainers, the animals remained on the track and no spectators were injured.”

Russian Investigation Commission

The commission began “preliminary examinations” to determine, among other things, “why circus officials allowed the elephants to show such aggressiveness.”

Jealous elephants?

The fight took place between two elephants, Jenny and Magda, They “may be trying to attract the attention of the tamer” and They were jealous of each otherAccording to the Kazan Circus, in a statement.

During the show, One elephant hit the other with its torso and then tried to leave the pathAccording to a video clip published by the local news agency Tatarinform.

The A video clip shows the spectators in the front rows leaving their seats and climbing the stands to reach safety.

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