22 new scholarships so that under-resourced medical students can continue their careers

22 new scholarships so that under-resourced medical students can continue their careers

CEEM, FPSOMC and FMM allocate € 22,000 for these scholarships targeting fourth, fifth and sixth year students of medicine

May 28, 2021 11:14 am

There are students without resources who have problems Finish their medical studies. Even more so after the economic crisis that caused the epidemic. A total of 22 new scholarships have been announced for this group. Specifically for him Fourth, fifth and sixth year students in medicine From all over Spain.

This is an initiative of the Social Protection Foundation for Collective Medical Organization (FPSOMC), State Board of Medical Students (CEEM) and Mutual Medical Corporation (FMM). This is why they appreciated A total amount of 22,000 euros. It is intended for students who have received financial aid from the Ministry of Education for the 2019-2020 academic year and this body Denied for the 2020-2021 academic year. The application period starts Monday, May 31 and will be open until June 25.

22 new epidemiology scholarships

Tomás Cobo, President of FPSOMC, explained that these 22 new scholarships this year are of special significance. “This solidarity institution accompanies doctors and their families in times of trouble,” Especially now with the Covid-19 pandemicTherefore, he “cannot forget the medical students, who are future classmates because they are part of this great medical family.”

Angel Benegas, President of CEEM, insists, “We are committed to the future of the health system, the future of medicine.” Thanks to these scholarships, “This is how we got it”.

For his part, FMM Chair Alejandro Andrew explained that these 22 new scholarships are more necessary than ever. So, FMM increased grants for these scholarships by 40 percent upon CEEM application. All “to alleviate the difficult time we are experiencing in the families’ economy due to the epidemic”.

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