After signing an agreement with the Incas, they will show the Argentine film “Lunatics” in Roca

After signing an agreement with the Incas, they will show the Argentine film “Lunatics” in Roca

Tonight, starting at 9:00 pm, the municipal authorities of Rocca will sign an agreement with the National Institute of Film and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA). After the official ceremony, the Argentine film “Lunatics” will be shown in the presence of the film’s actors and producers. The show will take place in the MMBA’s multicultural space – located on Calle Uruguay 650 – and will be free and tickets will be limited.

Within the framework of the signing of an agreement between the municipality of Rocca and INCAA, It will screen “Lunático”, an Argentine film directed by Martin Salinas. As reported by the municipality’s press team, admission will be free and free.

The film, which will be shown for the first time in the multicultural space of the municipality located on the first floor of the Roca bus station, It’s a black comedy starring Daniel Hendler, Veronica Linas and an amazing crew.

“Laugh when you cry” is the slogan of this audiovisual programme, which reflects the experiences of the people of Buenos Aires, Mexico and Montevideo.The President of the United States tweets that he is suspending trade with China.

The cast of the film was completed by Luis Zembrovsky, Rafael Sprigelbord, Gerardo Chando, Julian Carton, Marina Bellati, Marcelo Subioto, Francisco Lumerman, Pablo Pinto, Alfonso Dosal, Cassandra Chiangiruti, Giulietta Igorola, Claudio Martinez Black Rodriguez Mendes and Claudio Garofalo.

After signing the agreements, A brief press conference will be held with the participation of INCAA delegates, Executive Director Liliana Mazur and Representative Gerardo Chindo, who will be in the hall.. It should be noted that the audio-visual material is part of a joint Argentine production with Mexico and Uruguay.

«To attend the movie screening, you can pick up your ticket 15 minutes before the theater box office, as there is a limited number of seats.‘, they crossed the municipality of Rocca.

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