a giant cat mistaken for a dog; Weighs 12 kg

a giant cat mistaken for a dog;  Weighs 12 kg
The cat weighs more than 12 kilos. Photo: yuliyamnn / Archive

Pets, nowadays, are highly valued by their owners, but in Russia, a woman who has a cat weighing more than 12 kg; the gatot It bears the name kefir and is sometimes confused with a large dog.


Pussy it’s whiteSome may think that it is a lynx Because his ears are very similar to cats. His story spread on social media.

The owner of the cat has been called Julia Meninalive in town Stary Oskol, Russia, He acquired kittens when he was young. However, he did not think that the kitten would grow much. Kefir weighs 12.5 kilograms, and it is of the breed Maine Con White, like snow, and can grow more.

  • The cat is more than two years old
  • they Ears like lynx ears And soon the story of the cat spread on the networks because of its large size

“He is not only great in appearance, but also very intelligent and always carries himself calmly; he has a great appearance, but he is a very affectionate and humble boy,” the owner of Kéfir told local media.

On her Instagram account, the owner of gatot Kfir has some pictures in which he confirmed that they asked him to sell them; However, Yulia said that she would not do this.

“Thanks to Instagram for allowing them to suddenly wake up famous on a normal morning. I salute everyone who has a big white cat’s paw. Especially to those who considered it a fake or soft toy. Just in case: This picture isn’t a stuffed cat. I now promise to give you more kefir pictures” .

  • Race Maine Con It is characterized by being a large and sociable cat.Hence his nickname “The Gentle Giant”; It has a rectangular body and has two layers of fur and long hair

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