A man throws himself off a 17-meter bridge after a police chase in Florida

A man throws himself off a 17-meter bridge after a police chase in Florida

A man was driving a stolen car when he starred in a scene worthy of a movie on Saturday, October 30, the agualcil county office where the events took place reported. He ended up jumping from a 17 meter high bridge, after being chased by several police cars in southwest Florida, United States.

The entire scene was recorded thanks to a police helicopter camera. The man, the hero of everything that happened, replies to the name of Brian Gray. He is 34 years old, and he ends up being pushed out of the waters of a river Rio Kaluchachi to the police. In addition, he was kept in a cell, although before that he went to the hospital for a medical examination.

In the video, you can see how the car runs Brian Gray Speed ​​over Edison Bridge. In addition, he ended up hitting the security barrier multiple times. Finally, the truck stopped and a person was seen leaving, heading towards the same barrier. He crosses him and jumps into the river, while a number of policemen witnessed what happened.

The persecution began because of The truck has been identified Controlled by Brian Gary. It had previously been reported as stolen. For this reason, the police, upon seeing them, began a chase that ended at the Kaluchachi River embankment. It was the Fort Myers City Police Department that helped arrest the suspect.

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The United States is not the only place where a police chase for films occurs. On October 10, a Mosos de Escuadra and the local police They staged an amazing hunt. It all happened after thieves robbed a technology company in Sabadell, Barcelona.

The relevant agents received the notification around 10:30 PM. In it, it was determined that one ship Technology Products Corporation I have been robbed. The officers arrived and saw two white trucks leaving at high speed. The attackers shot the police and fled. In the end, the officers managed to catch up with one of the trucks, while the other managed to escape.

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