A robot that escapes from a prison and changes its state into a liquid

A robot that escapes from a prison and changes its state into a liquid

    when “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” It reached the hundreds in 1991, and one of the keys to its success was its quirky villainy. Robert Patrick incarnation pThe obot model T-1000 was able to change from a liquid state to a solid state and vice versa. It seemed far from the case, but a group of scientists and engineers have already succeeded in developing a coil Mini with the same variable capacity.

    The key to this robot is found in magnetism. On the one hand, the engineers chose their own robot Gallium, a substance that melts at relatively low temperatures (29.8 ° C). On the other hand, they have resorted to Magnetic induction to activate the phase transition Because it succeeds in heating or cooling the substance so that its state changes. In addition, thanks to the magnetic activation Robot movement can be activated Thanks to its interaction with magnetic fields.

    Although engineers from Carnegie Mellon University (USA) claim that they relied on sea cucumbers (sea cucumbers), their idea is clearly reminiscent of a James Cameron movie. In reality, They showed a test that was clearly reminiscent of the terrifying debut of the T-1000 In Terminator 2, when special effects helped Robert Patrick get through the bars of a mental hospital thanks to his ability to turn into liquid and vice versa.

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    In real life, engineers They designed a robot in the shape of a human Reminds me of a Lego doll. They manage to escape from his forbidden little prison by melting down the robot Until it slid through one of the holes and then reverted to its shape when it cooled.

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    Far from science fiction, the application of these robots could be a great help to the biomedical environment, he explains Research published in the scientific journal Matter. For example, engineers thought about how to do this Removing the foreign body from the stomach upon entering the human body.

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    It can also be used in files Surgical interventions that require a wireless device It can be inserted into the body to apply topical treatments or medications.

    Javier writes reports and news related to scientific research, health, nutrition, sports, psychology, and technology.

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