A storm breaks a dam and kills at least two people in California

A storm breaks a dam and kills at least two people in California

A powerful storm hit California In the past weeks generate break a dam on the county coast monterey And At least two deaths.

Due to the weather phenomenon, residents of many cities in the northern United States were ordered to evacuate. State Emergency Director, Nancy Wardreported that the storm last Friday claimed two lives.

We had hoped to avoid and prevent this situation, but the worst case scenario came when the Pajaro River overflowed its banks and broke the dam around midnight.“, mentioned Louis EligoDistrict supervisor montereythrough his Twitter account.

Heavy rains are accelerating the melting of a huge layer of snow at high altitudes and threaten to exacerbate already critical flooding.

Through the networks of the California National Guard, images of the moment when the flow of water cut the dam can be seen.

The series of severe storms that have been battering California for weeks seems to be endless and the situation is of great concern to the US government.

This is the main reason Joe Biden agreed on Friday Declare a state of emergency Paving the way to help the state financially.

Meanwhile, the governor of California Gavin Newsom It stated that the state “deploys every tool ‘at its disposal'”To protect communities from the relentless and deadly series of storms“.

California storm

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