Alma Delia Paez, Among the 25 Latin American Women in Science 2022 – El Sol de Mexico

Alma Delia Paez, Among the 25 Latin American Women in Science 2022 – El Sol de Mexico

A Chihuahuan scientist affiliated with the National Institute for Forestry Research, Agriculture and Livestock (Inifap), Dr. Alma Delia Pez Gonzalez is one of 25 women awarded by 3M, the winner developed in collaboration with USDA designers, the Almanacmex model, a Mexican version of the orthosis model that supports Decision making in the agricultural sector in Mexico

As part of International Women’s Day, 3M presented the winners of the “25 Women in Latin American Science 2022” competition, which honors scientists from emerging fields of science, who have distinguished their projects and careers with an impact on society and the environment.

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Báez González, of Chihuahua, daughter of Professors Armando Báez M. and Delia González V. has completed her doctoral studies at the University of Reading in England specializing in agro-ecosystem analysis and modeling, and has also been a pioneer in national projects for forecasting the harvest of staple crops at the national level, And the establishment of a national network of agricultural meteorological stations.

On the other hand, he was in charge of the National Modeling and Remote Sensing Laboratory (Lnmysr) at Pabellón Experimental Field, Aguascalientes, from 2006 to 2012. During his sabbatical year he developed in collaboration with modelers from the USA Department. Agriculture (USDA), calendar form. His recent work was on the study of agricultural crops in the face of climate change, as well as species at risk of extinction; Today he performs modeling studies of wild cotton and grasslands for conservation and breeding purposes.

The competition for the award consisted of three elimination phases where 550 researchers remained in the first phase, of whom 150 went to the second phase which included evaluating the full curriculum and answering a series of questions, not just the technical aspects. Also personal information such as their life story, challenges and more. The final selection stage consisted of an interview of 50 semi-finalists with eligible judges, of whom 25 winners were selected. The winners of this edition are six Mexicans, including Chihuahuan and 19 other Latin American countries.

The life stories of 25 award-winning researchers are presented in a digital book that aims to foster female talent, inspiring new generations of women to feel empowered and motivated to carve out their own path in a field that is difficult to balance between men and women. Women, as well as promoting initiatives that reduce the gender gap so that they have more opportunities to develop and thrive in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Science has no gender, said the researcher, who works on the sustainability of agricultural systems. When talking about projects and problems to be solved or proposing research projects, the language is the same, and there is no gender distinction. He stressed that the difference between the sexes sometimes arises in managerial positions and decision-making that affect projects, and in the end everything has a direct or indirect impact on the development of our country.

He said that in a research institution or in any other field, the same rights should be granted equally regardless of gender, party, or if one belongs to one union or another, because in the end, everyone works in research for the love of science and because something contributes In the community.

“Science is wonderful, but it is so demanding in that women have to face challenges that often reduce our energy, but we must know how to reinvent ourselves and continue to do the things we are most passionate about in life, in my case, doing the research that Rezai offers day in and day out. day, and helps me grow personally and professionally.”

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It balances recognition of women in science and allows girls, youth and women to have the same possibilities to work in fields that benefit the planet, disciplines that have been central to addressing some of the key challenges of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, such as finding solutions to improve health and combat climate change.


Check out the world-honored project at

Originally Posted in Herald Chihuahua

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