Announcing the next 13th International Seminar in Calculus, Science and Mathematics

Announcing the next 13th International Seminar in Calculus, Science and Mathematics

Posted note: 2022-08-26

Jesus Alberto Rubio

With the participation of research professors from different universities in Canada, Spain, Mexico, France and our own, the 13th International Symposium on Calculus, Science and Mathematics will take place from September 26-29 – in the hybrid method – based at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL), Monterrey Campus.

José Luis Díaz Gómez, event organizer and research professor in the Department of Mathematics at this university, highlighted that the relevant academic activity will be devoted to Carlos Armando Cuevas Vallejo, who started the symposium 25 years ago with French researcher Fracois Bluffignage. (+), who died in his country in 2021 due to Covid-19.

He noted that the call – which is still open for participant registration – corresponds with the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at UANL and the Department of Educational Mathematics at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (Cinvestav) of the National Polytechnic (IPN).

famous models

Díaz Gómez thanked the event sponsors for their cooperation, such as the Mexican Network for Research in Emerging Technologies for Education, AC (Remitee), GeoGebra Community of Latin America (Casio), National Association for Education Inclusion in Mexico (Aniem).

It was announced that at the symposium there would be keynote speeches by national and international researchers, all recognized in their teaching careers in the fields of calculus, mathematics and science.

He stated that the program will include special presentations and conferences by teachers at the undergraduate level and from the different sub-systems of secondary and middle schools, who will also present scientific posters, in addition to participating in thematic groups and workshops.

He indicated that the thematic topics will be teaching and learning of calculus and mathematics (by region and educational level, as well as methodologies, resources and educational environments.

University level by area: calculus, algebra, geometry, analytics, linear algebra, etc.; pre-university (high school); basic (elementary and secondary) and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Diaz-Gómez noted that the meeting is intended for researchers in educational mathematics and science education, as well as teachers of the same discipline or science at the secondary and higher levels.

He added that the invitation is also open to undergraduate and postgraduate students regarding the teaching and learning of mathematics and science.

Experts in the field and the historical process

José Luis Díaz Gómez, who has five decades of teaching experience in this house of studies and first head of the mathematics department at this university institution, announced that experts in calculus, science and mathematics will participate in the event.

He said, “We always strive to bring in academics who are distinguished in their work, teaching and research outcomes, allowing the program to obtain higher quality in its content.”

In the interview, conducted in the conference room of the mathematics department, Díaz Gómez gives a historical tour of the meeting:

“I was the organizer of the symposium since its inception when we realized in our role as Mexican researchers in mathematics that calculus was a very challenging topic, not only at the national level but also at the international level.”

For this reason, he added, researchers from ten universities in the country set out to design and work on this kind of academic effort to open an international symposium on calculus teaching—already 25 years ago—that takes place every six months.

Establishment of the company Cinvestaf

He commented with special emphasis that “after meeting each semester with no less than a dozen national universities, the process has been enhanced by the integration of Cinvestav, having students and alumni at the master’s and doctoral levels in Mexico and abroad.”

He noted that in this way it went from being national to international, and then still actually doing it.

However, he noted that after 15 years of virtual work, they decided to do so at a public level, already as an international meeting, with the aim of sensitizing secondary and basic teachers to the current work related to teaching. .

“The idea is that at each meeting, national and international exhibitors who conduct research work on mathematics teaching present their findings and that these teachers, professors and students (Masters and PhD students from other countries and countries) from secondary or high school and university, come and realize what changes are in the discipline. .

He stated that with the two-year epidemic, the organizing committee realized that they could no longer continue to do it face to face, and decided to focus on it globally in a hybrid way, just as it happened last year in an autonomous university. Ciudad Juarez with a great presence.

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