Argentina: A car ran over people in the Plaza Theater

Argentina: A car ran over people in the Plaza Theater
Argentina: A car ran over people in the Plaza Theater
The events took place in the Argentine province of Mendoza. Photo: Gettyimages.

A tragic night lived by those who attended square theaterlocated in the province of Mendozain Argentina, after being hit by car driver Who lost control of his unit, causing a run over the mass that left a balance 23 people were injured.

The incidentAnd the Registered by security camera, It happened when Sentences It directly hit the crowd spot outside the building. square theater One of the most famous in Godoy Cruz Citybelong to the aforementioned Argentine province.

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In the registration shared in social networks It shows step by step how events unfolded, from the time the unit in question climbed onto the sidewalk and crashed into the front of the place, until it violently ran over the people in the area coming out of the construction site. stage.

The car that crashed into the Plaza Theater was a handicap unit

The scale of this violent event was 23 people were injured, Three of them are in serious condition and have been taken to different locations Hospitals subordinate Argentine province of Mendoza.

crew of local police s 10 ambulances. According to the latest report from the authorities, the vehicle in question is a modified unit so that it can be driven by a a person with special needs, The case that could have caused the tragedy.

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