Book in hands. Think about health and wellness

Book in hands.  Think about health and wellness

Tribuna de Honorio-Carlos Bando Casado, Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid

Honorio Carlos Bando Casado. Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid, academic of several Royal National Academies, and member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Institutions (AEF). Vice President of FUNDADEPS.

May 10, 2021. 9:00 AM

The the society Current, it has been shown that Not spending enough time readingOften due to other people’s work problems due to laziness, it is true that there are a lot of people who take time to read and sometimes are the busiest.

We often say “no time” for everything, but what about the moments, instead of the long hours devoted to watching TV? And what are the time slots for simply not doing anything out of boredom? What about the many hours of sleep?

What ends or what goods you read the report? We all know that life is the best teacher, and that what truly makes a person are are the tangible situations in which the personality and way of thinking mature.

Books are the development of thought in many different waysSome authors prefer to present situations and problems in a direct, and therefore, educational manner, clearly. Others prefer to do so in a new way, that is, to introduce the characters and the environment in which they move and allow them to act or subordinate them to their narrative or educational interest.

What does a life teacher teach us if this is not the personality of others, the personality, or also the way some people behave in the face of certain circumstances that we later internalize in our understanding?

Thus the books show us the personality of the author and his personalities, which is important, because a good author must leave his creatures free to move independently in society. They also teach us to act in a certain situation that does not always require heroism, but in the best authors the matter is so subtle that we do not see that heroism which, however, is developing in the society in which they live in the face of a problem posed to them.

My concerns about reading and writing led me, as a board member and coordinator – director of the sectoral group for health, research and well-being of the Spanish Association of Institutions (AEF), I am promoted Agreement between the Health Education Foundation)Funds)With Maria Sainz as President, With th Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation (Reader House) With Canis Majoris Research FoundationFor holding the Reading and Health Forum, which took place in the Forum for the Promotion of Reading and Brain Health, which was held on October 8, 2020, via the Internet, with great success and national and international repercussions.

idea Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation (FGSR) “was that reading can be a“ true gymnastics of the mind ”and that there is ample scope for work and potential cooperation with scientists, clinicians or institutions. For this reason, it is considered to be included in the discussion and activity around the promotion of reading the idea of ​​a study and action by institutions dedicated to reading to implement Strategy targeting the elderly in particular. “

Luis Gonzalez, General Manager of FGSR“ However, if both the work of organizations devoted to reading (schools, libraries, associations, and institutions) and the direct purpose of the departments that launch reading promotion plans is to encourage the practice of reading, then it should not be inappropriate that the ultimate goal of reading promotion activities is of another nature, Provided that the reading-related goal is achieved. Therefore, reading promotion can provide useful value for achieving health or aging goals with people’s quality of life. Reading is a practice that has potential benefits in the lives of older people and has positive impacts on public spending on media used to treat brain diseases and Sections related to dependency financing. “

Reading, in short, makes us think and build for ourselves that character that, whether we like it or not, we have to mold ourselves, although also benefiting from the experience of others.

We have to read a lot, but we must be careful and choose very carefully what falls into our hands, not just because of lack of time, but to avoid reading authors who present us with unreal worlds and situations that can produce excessive in us. Idealism and eagerness to do only great tasks, full of difficulties that will not always present themselves to us. On the other hand, there are authors who offer us real situations and solutions that we can integrate into ourselves in difficulty similar to that which the character encounters in such a work.

Of course, these considerations have a broad and logical meaning that this is not always the case, especially with the type of readings I have referred to, because not all books are novels, and not all novels offer a clear realism, however, their authors are great masters of literature.

We are witnessing disruptive changes to overcome the major 2020 crisis and mitigate the damage caused by the epidemic. Reading is an essential tool for achieving higher levels of health and wellness, as it improves the neurological conditions that we have experienced from anxiety attacks. It also helps to find the very necessary balance and strength in these times when we had to live, and increase resilience and solidarity.

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