Brandon Jenner criticizes Kris Jenner for turning her family into a company

Brandon Jenner criticizes Kris Jenner for turning her family into a company

The Kardashian-Jenner clan continues to talk about it During the quarantine. And now it was his turn Brandon Jenner (son of Caitlin Jenner and Linda Thompson) caused controversy after criticizing his famous stepmother: Kris Jenner.

In a recent interview with People magazine, the 38-year-old singer broke up How was his distant relationship with Caitlyn Jenner: “I didn’t see my father more than 12 times between the ages of 8 and 25.”

Additionally, the American TV star mentioned that the few times he lived with his father during his childhood and adolescence were (mostly) part of the family photo sessions, which they organized on special dates (like Christmas).

Besides the short time it seems, Caitlyn is dedicated to her kids with Linda Thompson When they grew up, Brandon Jenner thinks the whole situation got more complicated when Kim Kardashian’s mom got into her lifeWho kept them away from their father the most

After dad married Kris Jenner, the family became his businessThe American musician who wrote, along with other celebrities who grew up apart from their parents, … of a new book titled: “To Me, He Was Just My Father” (“For me, he was only a dad”).

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