BUAP, Foundation for Human Resource Training for Science – Urbano

BUAP, Foundation for Human Resource Training for Science – Urbano

in that The June special issue of Volume 46, Dialectical Anthropology – an international scholarly journal – enhanced its pages With the work of BUAP alumni, the result of research and critical debate in the social sciences.

Twelve authors gathered in this edition – nine graduates of some degree in the institutionfive holding two degrees at the same time, eight under forty and five women – all part of the ‘Strength, Class and Culture’ symposium, and today it has grown into an international network involving students and academics from universities in Mexico, Central and North America, Europe and the United Kingdom.

The The aforementioned symposium which was born in 2003, under the Postgraduate Degree in Sociology, and in 2013 was incorporated into the Master’s Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from BUAP (Both from the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities “Alfonso Vélez Bleigo”), at the beginning of 2020 it was formed as an international network in which undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as professors and researchers from many institutions of higher education in Mexico and abroad, among them the House of Maximum Studies participate. in Puebla.

Coordinated by Ricardo McCabe Rios, Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology, from The New School for Social Research, New YorkBUAP Research Professor since 2002, The Power, Class, and Culture symposium sought “a better understanding of the areas of force in which life cloning is organized and confronted.” To do this, “concrete power relations and specific cultural production are studied in the ethnographic present, allowing inductive work to be proposed in dialogue with theoretical discussions,” he explains.

After two decades of work, the academic leadership of Dr. Ricardo McCabe Rios, who directed the thesis for three PhD graduates14 master’s degrees and eight bachelor’s degrees, fruitful in human resource training for science, whose research findings today make up all the pages of the special issue of the Journal of Dialectical Anthropology, a publication indexed since its founding, in 1975 by Stanley Diamond, dedicated to transforming class society, from During the internationalization of conversations about the dangers of contemporary crises and the means of social change.

For decades, the magazine’s pages have given space for criticism, agreements, and controversies, on important issues of our time, where there are also the voices of BUAP alumni: Yessenia Patricia Álvarez Anaya, Etni Zoe Castell Roldán, Julieta Flores Montes, María de Lourdes Flores Morales, Edmundo Hernández Amador, Christian Pacheco Gómez, Andrés Sandoval and Marc Giloval Antonio Zagal Guzmán as well as Denis Roman Burgos, Rodolfo Alejandro Hernandez Corcado and Ricardo Francisco Makepe Rios in their special issue, 46, has been circulating online since last June and will be printed in bookstores soon. Subscribers this August.

Many of them continued their postgraduate studies in Mexico and at foreign institutions, such as the City University of New York, New York, United States.; Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada; The University of Barcelona, ​​in Catalonia, Spain to name a few, which represents quality education and teacher education to awaken scholarly professions committed to our time.


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