China: Sandstorm causes chaos in Dunhuang City

China: Sandstorm causes chaos in Dunhuang City

strong sandstorm Wreak havoc around 3 p.m. Sunday in Dunhuang, a city located northwest of شمال ChinaWhere the ancient Mogao Caves are located.

the Sandstorm As a wall over a hundred meters long it advanced from north to south and wrapped the highway in a few minutesTurning the sky yellow and reducing visibility to less than five meters.

Local traffic police imposed traffic controls at traffic gates and ordered stranded vehicles to leave the highway and stop at service areas.

China also suffers from scourge Typhoon in Fa

Typhoon N Fa made landfall on Sunday noon in eastern ChinaWhere the damage caused by the devastating floods was cleaned up a few days ago.

It is accompanied by winds of up to approximately 137 km / h, This tropical storm has reached the area of ​​Ningbo Shipping Port, one of the largest ports in the world besides Shanghai, China Meteorological Services announced.

The sandstorm like a wall over a hundred meters long advanced from north to south and swept across the highway in a few minutes. | Photo: Getty Images

Port activity in Shanghai and Ningbo has been suspended, as well as air and rail traffic in one of the sectors East coast of China.

Typhoon In-Fa uprooted many trees in central Ningbo, but so far it has not caused major damage and Its severity has weakened since it arrived in China.

Heavy rain flooded the streets of some neighborhoods and crowded merchants sandbags to prevent them from entering their establishments.

All flights were postponed at the two international airports in Shanghai, the largest conglomerate in China, which, however, survived the torrential rains.

Rail connections will not resume until Monday, half a day.

Some public attractions in Shanghai and other cities have closed and residents have been asked to avoid outdoor activities.

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