coexistence? According to science, there are 5 relationships between cats and owners

coexistence?  According to science, there are 5 relationships between cats and owners

Madrid: A new study examined the behavior of domestic cats in relation to their owner, and research indicates that it is a two-way relationship based on five categories.

The research, conducted by academics at the University of Lincoln in the UK, involved nearly 4,000 owners who responded to a series of allegations about their behavior and that of their feline pets.

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In addition to the research, the University of Lincoln has launched a new interactive questionnaire on its website, so that cat owners can see what kind of relationship they have with their feline companions.

Despite the cat’s popularity as a pet, not much is known about its relationship with its owners.

The study identifies and characterizes the different types of relationships that cats can establish with their owners through the use of theories of human attachment and social support.

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The questionnaire was developed to collect information about the various emotional elements that can support a relationship.

This included the potential owner’s perception of the cat as a safe base in the home, the owner’s level of commitment to the cat, his sensitivity to the cat’s needs, and the consistency of the owner’s interactions with the cat. The University of Lincoln in a statement.

Five different forms of the cat owner relationship have been identified. These relationships are what people might categorize as: “open relationship”, “distance relationship”, “casual relationship”, “joint dependency” and “friendship”.

Professor Daniel Mills, University of Lincoln Animal Behavior Specialist, said: “Cats have close emotional relationships with humans, but little is known about this. As with any complex social relationship, the type of bond between a cat and owner is a product of the dynamics between both individuals. involved, along with certain personality traits.

While many cats can be aloof, this does not appear to be as common as may be portrayed. A cat’s broader social communication and owner’s expectations can be important, and it appears that the owner’s level of emotional investment in the cat and the cat’s socialization is particularly important in distinguishing the type of relationship they have together.”

The ‘Open Relationship Link” It featured an emotionally involved owner and an elusive cat.

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The ‘remote link‘and the’casual relationship‘It included an emotionally distant owner, but others’ acceptance of the cat was different.

relations ‘joint accreditation“Yeah”friendship’ They became emotionally involved with their owners, but again the cat’s acceptance of others varied, as was the need for the cat to stay close to its owner.

The research is expected to improve understanding of owners’ relationships with cats and pave the way for better overall pet care.

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