Coparmix Leon will boost the economy of Guanajuato immigrants

Coparmix Leon will boost the economy of Guanajuato immigrants

Secretariat for Migrants and International LiaisonSMEI) In cooperation with Coparmix Lyonthey signed cooperation agreement To work, unify efforts and procedures to provide products and services “Gto brand” in the immigrant community residing in the United States.

Other points to be discussed in this document are to encourage linking members of this body with similar and/or related unions and/or federations in that country, said Juan Hernandez, head of the state agency. mutual international growth.

“Governor Diego Sinho Rodríguez Vallejo has cost us a lot to help these remittances, which migrants send to help their families, repayment and multiplier effect on their families and themselves. Something that has not been done in any other country of the country,” She said.

On the other hand, he mentioned that in the “Marca Gto” group there are currently more than 4,000 companies also cooperating with COPARMEX and that SMEI is now joining with immigrants.

Read more about Coparmix:

Hernandez said that despite the fact that citizens living in the US Federation contribute a lot to the country’s finances through their remittances, they can also open their own business, build their home, etc. Creating a circular economy for the future.

“What we are looking for in the state government is that the immigrant community and their families have a little more money in their pockets and can diversify this resource that helps them improve their quality of life and they no longer have to leave.”

He said that by signing this agreement, immigrants are also required to be able to access it Discounts ranging from 10 to 22% In these institutions that have already been revitalized.

The Secretary for Immigrant Affairs and International Liaison added that in the first quarter of 2022, the state of Guanajuato received a concept More than a billion dollarsPart of the government’s job is to find ways to multiply it for the benefit of the immigrant community.

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