Cristiana Chamorro, the opposition leader who was arrested by the Nicaraguan regime, is being held incommunicado for four days and without access to her lawyer

Cristiana Chamorro, the opposition leader who was arrested by the Nicaraguan regime, is being held incommunicado for four days and without access to her lawyer
Nicaraguan police officers guard the home of oppositionist Cristian Maria Chamorro Barrios, in Managua (EFE/JORGE TORRES)

On Sunday, Christiana Chamorro, the leader of the Nicaraguan opposition, celebrated the fourth day of house arrest, as She remains incommunicado and without access to her lawyer. Orita Benavides, one of his legal representatives, indicated that he was “practically in the process of kidnapping” by the regime of Daniel Ortega.

“They have not yet allowed me to see Christiana (…) house arrest, as provided by legislation, is not what happens with Christiana in practice, she should not be held incommunicado, she should not be denied contact with them. It was not on families and defense Completely cut off all means of communication and entrance, this is a situation that escapes the law and makes it practically a kidnapping operation.”Benavides said for the local newspaper the press.

He denounced that he is still unable to access the judicial file in the Managua courts, and also noted that the licenses to see his client are “fairly discretionary”: There is no judicial position. This case is inconsistent with any legal rule.”

Despite being held incommunicado, Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Barrios, Christiana’s older brother and former National Representative (2007-2017) and former Managua Council member (2004-2006), said the opposition leader “has her head held high”.

“Until yesterday her children were allowed to visit her, Antonio Ignacio and Christiana Maria, and she (Christiana) always with her head held high”As he claimed.

Nicaraguan opposition member Christiana Chamorro Barrios is under house arrest (EFE/Jorge Torres)
Nicaraguan opposition member Christiana Chamorro Barrios is under house arrest (EFE/Jorge Torres)

Director of the dissolved Violeta Barrios de Chamorro Foundation for Reconciliation and Democracy (FVBCH) He has been under house arrest since June 2, by order of the judiciary at the request of the Public ProsecutionWho is investigating her allegations of committing the crimes of “arbitrary management and ideological error in the money, property and asset laundering competition” by the Public Prosecution.

Chamorro, who called President Daniel Ortega a “dictator” and indicated he was “dead of horror” at the prospect of losing power, announced in May that he would register as a presidential candidate for the upcoming November 7 elections. .. in which the governor seeks re-election for the third time in a row.

Pedro Joaquin, who is also the brother of Ortega y Gasset 2021 winner Carlos Fernando Chamorro Barrios, who has suffered two confiscations by the regime, insisted that he speaks exclusively in his personal capacity and said: Christiana “is well, they treated her well”Although he stated, he was “very concerned about the situation you are in”.

Nicaraguan prosecutors have charged Chamorro – the daughter of former president Violetta Barrios de Chamorro (1990-1997) – with the crimes of arbitrary administration and ideological error, both in real competition with the laundering of money, property and assets.

The Sandinista regime’s attorney general’s office also requested the exclusion of Chamorro Barrios, the opposition figure likely to win the November elections, in which Ortega is seeking re-election, according to a CID Gallup poll. “Because they do not fully enjoy their civil and political rights because they are subject to a criminal process.”

Daniel Ortega intensifies persecution against opposition candidates ahead of the November elections (EFE/Jorge Torres)
Daniel Ortega intensifies persecution against opposition candidates ahead of the November elections (EFE/Jorge Torres)

In addition, the Public Prosecution began requesting precautionary measures to retain immigration, as indicated, to prevent him from evading the investigation process that was conducted against him. moreover, He demanded that Chamorro Barrios be prevented from attending certain meetings and places, and from communicating with people associated with the events under investigation.

The persecution of the Nicaraguan regime continued in the last hours after the arrest of another opposition candidate: Arturo Cruz, who was arrested Saturday at Augusto C. Sandino International Airport in Managua, when he was returning from a tour of the United States.

Cruz, the presidential candidate for the opposition Citizens’ Alliance, arrived in Managua at 09:00 local time (15:00 GMT), but three hours later he was still inside the airport and had not answered calls or messages on his cell phone.

For their part, the opposition candidates Felix Maradija s Juan Sebastian Chamorro They denounced that they had been told they had a “prison house until further notice”, although there were no charges against them.

Other presidential candidates, such as the peasant Medardo Mairena, of African descent George Herniques Kayasu, journalist Miguel Mora, the doctor Maria Eugenia Alonso, the former leader against Louis Flee They denounced being persecuted and harassed by the National Police.

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