De-authorization: What is the AMLO B plan if the INE refuses to conduct the consultation

De-authorization: What is the AMLO B plan if the INE refuses to conduct the consultation
(Photo: Quartoscuro)

Consultation path for revocation of the mandate every day More uncertain: Although failed Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) count like green light to achieve, Negatives From National Electoral Institute (INE) It is included the complaint Against him they ring the rotten bridge at him participatory democracyas I called it Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO).

Despite the bumps along the road, the Mexican president showed himself and expressed it trusted who will conduct the exercise. A position he maintained even before the most radical scenario: probability that Institute won’t do that In April 2022 as expected.

Given this, the CEO stated during the morning From the current December 29 your government is already considering a plan b – even plan c – through which they seek to make the query “In a way or another”.

The first is proposed to be same nationality Who organizes and performs the exercise, in this way Preserving the essence of democracy According to what he said on December 21.

Citizens can consult. The city was organized. We won the elections for the people. This is the essence of democracy, the citizen who wants to exercise his rights, participates, seeks change.”


Meanwhile, the second option revealed on Wednesday includes Hiring “Reputable” survey companies:

“The other is that we’re doing a bunch to hire about 10 prestigious polling firms in Mexico and asking the same thing: Do you want Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to continue as president or to resign?”

He emphasized that in this way one could do it Save time before the possibility Do it over the phone or by land Digital But he stressed that the contracting companies should be “the least corrupt”.

“It won’t take long. It can even be done Even by phone and another house party The result is obtained and announced. (…) 10 (companies) are probably a lot of pollsters, but five. There is everything you want them to be Those that have less spoon or no spoon and that do not put yeastHe mentioned it between laughter.

(Photo: Margarito Perez-Ritana / CUARTOSCURO.COM)
(Photo: Margarito Perez-Ritana / CUARTOSCURO.COM)

However, even with a few aces up his sleeve, Tabasco said they would wait for the National Institute of Statistics’ approval to carry out the exercise. “will leave a precedent” in Mexican history.

“The precedent must remain. It is a constitutional mandate and perhaps what they (the institute) do not want is for them to rise.”

He suspended this because of his denial of his refusal, will commit Error to violate the constitution from Mexico, which before that on several occasions gave them the opportunity to “admit their failure and correct themselves”.

They made a mistake and they will have to admit it Because they opposed Constitutional mandate and acted anti-democratic. But in politics you have to know how to correct. He said on December 27: “Do not hold fast (…) it is stipulated by the Constitution, and it is the law of laws.”

Three days after the deadline for signature set National Electoral Institute (else) received a total of 10 million 886 thousand 932 copies, of which only Million 308 Thousand 375 Verified on the nominal list; That is, it was already possible to get 47.4% From 2 million 758 thousand 227 required. The above means that Million and 449 thousand 852 remains to be achieved.

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